For SocMed White with Shadow

OUR Features

We are a hopeful learning institution. Our “start from scratch” experience up to today’s modest success is our credential for trustability.

Incrementing Courses

From a limited number of courses offered in its maiden years, now continually augmenting to cater to the necessities of time.

Quality Education

As a producer of board topnotchers, this school is confident that it suits with brilliant students.

Experienced Staff

Our staff boasts of members from different exposures in the corporate, publishing, legal and pedagogic fields; as well as with exposures in national and international jobs/training.

Good Environment

Closer to the family and away from city-life distractions, students of this school feel much safer going to and leaving the school premises and thus self-constrained to focus on their studies.


Build Up




You don’t need to step away from the province much less from an island then go to cities in order to receive urban-standard education. Mentors with up-to-date competence and with the advocatory outlook on this island have pooled themselves to engage in grooming quality yields of educated minds.

OUR management & teaching strategies

Our style tunes up with the essentials of the provincial and the urban teaching and learning cultures.

Think Tank Resourcing

The school taps locals who are accomplished professionals with expertise backgrounds and exposures, serving in an advocatory attitude.

Immersion Programs

We collaborate with educational organizations in the province or in other provinces or regions for cultural and learning exposures.

Campus Info Tools

The school utilizes and keeps up-to-date with the digital information processes in campus communication.


A video SNIP


BEST Comments

Mark the words of these prodigies .  .  . because we know that on their hearts we’ve marked as well!



The one thing that I love about my school is that it keeps bringing in surprises that make the learning environment exciting.

– Genalyn Mae Granado

‘Life, sometimes, is a big struggle, economically. Some parents couldn’t imagine how to put their children through college considering that making both ends meet is a struggle. Thank God there’s this school in the province that offer a standard that can match those in cities. It’s no exaggeration to assert that for us this school is a Godsend.’